Here are a few things to consider when preparing a bird for showing. This is written by myself and very basic. We recommend you visiting other website links listed to the right. One also can do a search on the topic for more information.
1) A good bird starts with a well bred bird. The genetics to produce both size and good conformation. A good conformation bird can better withstand the weight of a Jersey Giant.
2) A good bird is a well fed bird. A bird that has been fed the appropriate amount of protein along with nutrition. We recommend that because a Jersey Giant is slower to mature it is important not to try to rush the matter but that the bird is fed to start off with a 18% chick starter verses feeding 20% or above. To feed to high protein can cause the bird to grow to fast and possibly to suffer leg problems. For example if you feed a 22% meat bird ration, plus add confinement then your Jersey Giant will take on the look of a broiler and will not reach the desired height.
Once the bird gets closer to laying age then we recommend the bird to be switched to 16% layer. While scratch grains and cracked corn are a cheaper source of food keep in mind this will produce undesirable weights due to the fact that these grains only contain 8 to 10% protein and does not meet the requirements of a Jersey Giant. We do not recommend feeding this as a sole sourcce of food.
3) Keep food and water in front of your birds at all times. One can consider vitamins and electrolytes as well.
4) A show bird needs to be away from rooster and/or hens as the plumage will stay much nicer. One can consider breeding from the birds once showing is over for the season. An area with wood shavings works better than confinement in a cage.
5) While in the raising of poultry make sure that your bird is FREE of parasites. I bring this up as I see many birds that are exhibited by beginners whereby instruction is needed on how to treat these things. We will worm birds at least one year if needed. We use Wazine as a wormer. One can also seek out the advice and dosage using ivomec. Make sure that your bird does not have any signs of lice and/or leg mites. Signs of lice might include droopy wings or loss of feathers, or not appear energetic. Also pay close attention to any kind of leg mites. Leg mites will cause the legs to be very dry and crusty in appearance. The mites cause build up of layers of scales making it very uncomfortable for a bird to walk causing lameness. Using baby oil or motor oil on the legs have been instrumental at smothering leg mites and providing comfortable for the bird where scales on legs are built up and very dry.
6) Your fair or show is approaching and now it is important to consider bathing the bird so it is clean and well represented. A clean healthy looking bird is one that the judge will look out with all of the above to consider. We recommend that the beak tip be filed down if there is an over lap of the beak. One will also need to trim the toe nails and file off any sharp edges. Same goes with the spurs one can cut the tip of the spur and file it down and round the edges.
7) Consider bathing your bird 3-5 days before the show on a day when it is 80 to 90 degrees, Use two tubs to do warm tub or bucket for washing the bird. I sometimes use Ivory Dish Soap, but use a very soft brush or use my hand stroking in a downward position never going opposite direction of the feathers. Wash the legs and vent (rear) area well. Next rinse the bird in another tub of warm water. Secure your hands around the legs of the bird and holding your right hand under the chest to support body making sure you don't drown the bird. Use a rag to wash around the face, beak, and legs. Be ready to squint your eyes as most birds initially don't like baths and will try to beat their wings. (BEWARE: I would not consider dipping or washing any bird in an insecticide as it was advised when I was in 4-H to use these products.........first of all NO CHILD or person should be handling harsh chemicals that get on their skin and/or their eyes. In my book this is a NO NO) One will need 1 to 2 tubs of water with the final water having a little vinegar in it. It supposedly helps get the soap out in the final rinse.
8) Once your bird is washed we just let the bird drip dry in a dog crate out in the sun with some shade. The bird needs to be where it is warm and doesn't chill. Your bird will look like a drowned rat initially, but once it is dry it will look much nicer and fuller in appearance. It is important to not wait till the day before the show to bath as it takes time to fully dry. We do not blow dry our birds, but if you do I would do on a very low speed.
9) The night before the show I will rub Baby Oil on the legs and double check on any areas of beaks, toe nails, etc. making sure things look good. It depends on how much time you have the day of the show as to if you want to do some things the night before. Directly before the show one can spray a light mist of oil on the bird. There are show products and/or beauty products to create a nice sheen on your bird. One can use a small rag with oil on it to brighten up the whattles, comb, ear lobe area.
10) Make sure your 4-Her is aware of the age of the bird and basic stuff in case the judge might ask a question. At our fair the 4-Hers are allowed to go cage to cage just as the judge does in case he has a question . The kids can also pick up tips on the care of birds. In the case of Showmanship your 4-Her might want to know all of the visual parts on a bird and the judge will want to make sure that the kid knows how to take the bird out of the cage and hold a bird. A bird that has been handled throughout his lifetime is one that will be more cooperative at a show so make sure 4-Hers are well involved in their projects making this possible.
Below are some other links for good information. If you have a favorite link on this topic please let me know and I can add this information to this page.
A well bred and well fed bird from Maria's Jersey Giants gives you an opportunity to compete at a 4-H and/or APA poultry show. We do not recommend breeding hatchery birds to our birds for replacement purposes. If you plan to show and/or breed always purchase from a reputable breeder who has the interest in the preserving the Jersey Giant breed.
Additonal information on the selection of show birds is below:
Copyright 2024
My reputation is most important and Maria's Jersey Giants has NO control of the future breeding programs set forth by past customers nor do we have anything to do with the type of business that is conducted whether it be ethical or unethical. UNLESS WE KNOW YOU VERY WELL AND THERE IS TRUST ESTABLISHED WITH YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM WE WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT SWAP BIRDS AND/OR EGGS. THERE IS TOO MUCH JUNK BEING PRODUCED OUT THERE AND WE DO NOT WANT ANY PART OF IT. TOO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE SAY THEY HAVE SO AND SO'S BIRDS AND LET ME JUST SAY IT IS NOT THE SAME UNLESS YOU PURCHASE DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE ITSELF !!!!! WHILE A BREEDER USES THE APA STANDARDS AS AN AIDE IN SELECTION OF FUTURE BREEDERS .........EACH OF US AS BREEDERS ESTABLISH OUR OWN STANDARDS........AS WE KNOW SOME BREEDERS HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN OTHERS. This is what establishes the quality produced by good breeders and the qualities of those that have lower standards producing QUANTITY OVER QUALITY and by producing numerous types of breeds. We breed only QUALITY splash, blacks, and nicely laced blue Jersey Giants with exceptionally nice lacing! Please note that our baby chicks come from quality BREEDER AND APA Quality birds, however with this being said we can not guarantee "Show" birds. Expect to have possible pet, breeder, and our APA show bird types just as the case if you are raising any other species. Some birds will turn out nicer than others.
Honesty is always the best policy! If you show respect you will get respect!
Maria's Jersey Giants.
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2025 -Maria's Jersey Giants, since 1977 - All Rights Reserved.
My reputation is most important and Maria's Jersey Giants has NO control of the future breeding programs set forth by past customers nor do we have anything to do with the type of business that is conducted whether it be ethical or unethical. UNLESS WE KNOW YOU VERY WELL AND THERE IS TRUST ESTABLISHED WITH Y
OUR BREEDING PROGRAM WE WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT SWAP BIRDS AND/OR EGGS. THERE IS TOO MUCH JUNK BEING PRODUCED OUT THERE AND WE DO NOT WANT ANY PART OF IT. TOO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE SAY THEY HAVE SO AND SO'S BIRDS AND LET ME JUST SAY IT IS NOT THE SAME UNLESS YOU PURCHASE DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE ITSELF !!!!! WHILE A BREEDER USES THE APA STANDARDS AS AN AIDE IN SELECTION OF FUTURE BREEDERS .........EACH OF US AS BREEDERS ESTABLISH OUR OWN STANDARDS........AS WE KNOW SOME BREEDERS HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN OTHERS. This is what establishes the quality produced by good breeders and the qualities of those that have lower standards producing QUANTITY OVER QUALITY and by producing numerous types of breeds. We breed only QUALITY splash, blacks,White and nicely laced blue Jersey Giants with exceptionally nice lacing! Please note that our baby chicks come from quality BREEDER AND APA Quality birds, however with this being said we can not guarantee "Show" birds. Expect to have possible pet, breeder, and our APA show bird types just as the case if you are raising any other species. Some birds will turn out nicer than others.
Honesty is always the best policy! If you show respect you will get respect!
Maria's Jersey Giants.
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